Dream a Little Dream: Part 2 of 2
May 1, 2:30 - 3:00 PM (PST)
Learn the second half of an original soft-shoe combination to Dream a Little Dream - choreographed and accompanied by Christopher Erk .
Class Lenght: 25 mins
Cost: $5 USD
Due upon registration - via Paypal on the Zoom page.
Venmo payments to @christopher-erk accepted up to 5 mins before the start of class.
Zoom account is required - click here to sign up for FREE!
Your microphone will be muted upon arrival to the class.
Feel free to leave your video on or off throughout the class.
If you have questions or comments please throughout the class, click the raise your hand icon or send a message in the chat.
I will do my best to help on an individual
Private lessons are also available. Please contact me below if interested.
Classes are recorded for future use. All segments including class participants will be excluded.
For unlimited access to previously streamed classes, subscribe here!
To download previously streamed classes, click here!
Tips are accepted and appreciated to thetapfactor@gmail.com on Paypal and @christopher-erk on Venmo
Thank you so much for joining the class. I am looking forward to dancing with you. If you have any questions or other interest please let me know. I also welcome your feedback if you want to let me know what you think!
Best wishes,
Christopher Erk - Founder of the Tap Factor